
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cute puppy dog nails (Nail art, nail design, puppy, dog, cute )

Puppies are really cute!! Like humans, puppies are born without teeth. However, they can't hear, see or smell! Puppies don't open their eyes or begin to hear until they're 9 to 12 days old. They can't smell until three weeks post birth. Until then, it's very important for the mini-puppies to stay close to mom and their siblings to eat and grow properly. When a puppy is first born, 90 percent of their life is spent sleeping while the other 10 percent is spent eating. Sounds like the life of a puppy is pretty awesome and relaxing! 

Since a lot of important development and growth happens for the pup during this time, it is important that they get their rest. First use white nail paint to make the background on your index finger. Then use blue nail polish to make dog paws using thinner nail brush. In middle finger make puppy face with white nail polish and add details using thinner brush. On the rest of the nails make background using blue nail paint. Then make dog paws using thinner nail brush. Finally some transparent nail polish to make it shiny! ^_^

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